Wellness at Home
Every Monday, to start a fresh week, we send out a Weekly Inspirations newsletter and video which is packed with hints and tips to help your mind and body unwind and relax at home. We hope that our wellness support and guidance can uplift you whilst you aren’t at the spa. You can find all of our wellness at home weekly inspiration newsletters and videos, as well as events and special treatments via this page. To receive weekly newsletter updates, click the button below …
Do you enjoy gardening?
Last week was National growing for wellbeing week. Gardening and nurturing plants is proven to be very therapeutic and can have a profound impact on our wellbeing. Embracing the joy of nature and gardening can bring a great sense of achievement and satisfaction....
Would you go alcohol free?
Last week I went on a family trip to Ireland to celebrate my Dad’s ‘special’ birthday. My Nana (Dad’s mum) is 88 and has experienced health issues recently, so as she couldn’t travel to us, we thought we would go...
Do you check yourself regularly?
My family and I are huge Strictly Come Dancing fans and I was shocked and saddened to recently read reports about one of the Strictly professional dancers called Amy Dowden 32 years old, being diagnosed with breast cancer. When someone like Amy who...
Do you ever feel anxious?
Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year was Anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all and we all experience it from time to time. Lots of things can cause us to feel anxious such...
Can we be 1% better every day?
Last week I went on my first ever cruise to Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Whilst we were at sea we had no phone signal. At first, this felt very strange and annoying to be totally disconnected from the outside world. But...
Do you like flowers?
On Friday the 5th May it was National Flower Arranging Day. My Mum is secretary of our local flower club and they celebrated the day by placing floral arrangements around town in local charity shops and independent stores. Attached to the...
Do you use sunscreen?
Hello May!☀️ It is sun awareness week, so I thought I would write about the importance of sun safety and checking our moles ourselves, especially as my mum is a skin cancer nurse.There is a misconception that sunscreen is not...
Can you beat hay fever?
Whilst I love that spring is finally here, I dread the itchy eyes and sniffles that arrive at the same time. But I am not alone, 21 million people in the UK are said to suffer with hay fever! Symptoms are usually worse...
What are you putting off?
Have you got that one thing you have been meaning to do for months? Or is there always something that you leave at the bottom of the list? Mine is putting away the clean laundry! To make it less boring, I...
How do you make a decision?
Every day we have to make decisions, big and small and sometimes we can feel overwhelmed and question ourselves, did we make the right decision?A few years ago, we had a spa team wellbeing day with a ‘mindset’ coach called...
What do you grab for comfort?
April is home to Stress Awareness Month. We all react and cope differently to stress. I personally often tend to grab a chocolate bar when I am stressed or if I am having a bad day. It gives me short-term...
Can we learn to manage our emotions?
The Granary Spa love to support local charities. So last Monday, Laura and I arranged a visit to the Pilgrims Hospice. We wanted to offer the hard working staff a hot lava shell neck and shoulder massage. As Monday was...