The Christmas countdown is on…

The week before Christmas can be a stressful one for many of us! Last-minute shopping, putting up decorations, writing Christmas cards and still doing the day job is certainly a recipe for feeling stressed. Christmas is meant to be a happy, wonderful time, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed instead.

It’s important to remember no one is perfect and we shouldn’t even try.

Plan ahead, make lists and get organised, even delegate jobs to share the load. Remember, friends and family generally are only too happy to help, so take advantage of this. Every year I paint my closest family and friends a homemade Christmas card, it’s my way of relaxing and making it extra special.

So don’t put too much pressure on yourself, don’t feel guilty if you forget something, it’s ok to say ‘no’ and take some time out just for yourself, a de- stressing massage may just be the perfect gift after all!

Love, Georgia x

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