Can we be more patient?

My partner and I have recently completed the plans for our new home and will be submitting them for planning approval very soon. We have no idea how long the process will take, even if our plans will be accepted and approved!

But we are ever hopeful and optimistic. Being patient and accepting things for what they are is not always easy, however a lot of things are out of our control so there is little point of stressing about it! So we will be patiently waiting, embracing this wait with a smile. In this ‘quiet’ period, we will watch our new plants growing in the garden and imagine our beautiful new home surrounded by them!

After all as the saying goes, ‘Good things come to those who wait’.

Practicing patience helps you to:

-Accept setbacks and enjoy life more

-Make more productive decisions

-Helps with our self control

-Teaches us to slow down

-Become calmer and better listener.

Love, Georgia x

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