Can we run for our wellbeing?

Over the last 3 months, I have started my running journey. My partner has always been a keen runner and inspired me to start. I found it hard at first but I tried to not put any pressure on myself regarding how fast I am running.

I have been pushing my targets every week or two and now I can run 10km!

I had no idea how much running would have a positive impact on my mental health. It gives me time to be present, reflect and think. Mindful running is being fully present in your run, listen to the sounds around you.

There are lots of local running groups and park runs where you are supported by your local community and are for all abilities. Couch to 5k is a great online support, it starts with a mix of running and walking to gradually build up your fitness and stamina.

My top tips to get started:

-Just do it!

-Make sure you wear running trainers to prevent injury

-Stretch before and after your run

-Start with power walking and build up a gently jog

-Make sure you are fuelling your body

Love, Georgia x

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