Does change frighten you?

You are not alone, I also find change scary. 

I’m not one for leaving my comfort zone, so change can be stressful. But when I look back, the changes that have occurred in my life, albeit stressful and challenging at times, ultimately turned out to be a very positive, beneficial experience. As humans, we are automatically set to fear, flight or fight as a protection mechanism. Change can bring on these feelings of threat, partly because we tell ourselves change is a problem instead of a positive opportunity. Some people may resist change and I understand why, but they may be missing out on a new wonderful, exciting opportunity, if only they would embrace it!

One person that has been brave enough to embrace change is our spa manager Laura. I am delighted to announce that Laura has taken over the business from Clare. We wish Laura good luck and great success and send our heart felt thanks and best wishes to Clare (You have been amazing x)

Love, Georgia x

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