Can we be 1% better every day?

Last week I went on my first ever cruise to Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Whilst we were at sea we had no phone signal. At first, this felt very strange and annoying to be totally disconnected from the outside world. But after a while I learnt to embrace it!

I went to the 7am yoga sunrise session, I even read a book which ordinarily I struggle to find time for or indeed I’m busy ‘reading’ my phone. There was a gym on board the ship and two swimming pools so I worked out, enjoyed swimming and four times around the boat deck equalled a mile, so this was a great way of getting my daily steps in, out in the fresh air enjoying looking at the sea. My Mum and I attended a dance class and learnt the cha cha cha. Even watching the shows every night brought back my love for dance and reminded me of happy memories of when I danced when I was younger.

Suddenly I realised how much better I felt physically and mentally. So now I am home I am going to continue these good habits, including reducing my time on my phone, another book has been started, and I have been doing dance fit classes on YouTube!

I read somewhere that we should aim to be 1% better every single day. Even if I read one chapter of my book a night, I am still working on myself to be a better ME.


Georgia x

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