Do you like flowers?

On Friday the 5th May it was National Flower Arranging Day. My Mum is secretary of our local flower club and they celebrated the day by placing floral arrangements around town in local charity shops and independent stores. Attached to the flowers was a card (I helped Mum make this!!) that said ‘A member has kindly made this floral arrangement for you to take home, we hope it brings you cheer and joy’. Mum’s flower club is much more than just flowers, it is a way people can connect, learn new skills, form friendships, all through their love for flowers.

I often go with my Mum and my Nan, it’s something we can share and enjoy together. Sometimes there is a workshop where we are taught how to create a particular design (see the continental design I made recently below) Other times, talented floral designers perform demonstrations for us. 

Flowers make us smile, they lift our mood, they can let someone know you are thinking of them, they can say sorry or I love you… they can help us make friends! 

There are flower clubs throughout Kent, indeed the whole of the UK.

National flower arranging day is a way of celebrating flowers and friendships and spreading the word!

Love, Georgia x

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