What's your choice of exercise?

Having recently bought my first home with my partner, we inherited a large over grown, neglected garden. Never before have I really taken much notice about gardening, only to remark to my Dad that his grass looks good after his hard work cutting it!! Now I really appreciate the hard work involved. A lot of trees and plants in our garden were sadly diseased, dead or simply outgrown the space. So after a lot of digging and cutting, we can finally see a ‘garden’ appearing! 

It is exciting to plan and think of the garden it will be in the future. What I have also come to realise is that gardening is not only a great workout but the fresh air, sunlight and enjoying quiet thoughtfulness whilst working are all added health benefits.

What I am also getting real joy from is the interaction with the wild life. Now the brambles have been cleared from the rear boundary fence, the Ponies come to say hello. And Ralph my Goldendoodle can dig and bury pebbles to his heart’s content!

Benefits of gardening-

Good form of exercise

Outside in fresh air/sunlight

Quiet time- mindfulness

Joy of nature

Watching things grow and thrive

Love, Georgia x​

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