Do you schedule self care?

January is the perfect opportunity to recharge and plan for the year ahead. By prioritising your well being and scheduling some self-care, even the coldest of January days can be made a little brighter. Here are a few ideas to help you through the next few weeks of January…


The perfect time to start a new journal

Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to help promote wellbeing, try a home diffuser or a couple of drops in your bath.

Brisk walk

 Exercise is commonly known as the most underutilised anti-depressant

Take vitamins

Make sure to have Vitamin D , it is known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ and is essential for our wellbeing.

Spend time with friends

Create memories and see your loved ones, they can boost our positivity and allow us to talk about our feelings.

Love, Georgia x

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