Can we find joy in the darker months?

We’re feeling very festive at The Granary Spa, helped by the fact we have put up our Christmas tree!

With the clocks gone back and the increased hours of darkness that now brings, it can affect our bodies and mood. Some people suffer with seasonal affective disorder due to the shorter days. With this in mind, I wanted to help share some ways of embracing this natural change in season and learn to cherish what the darkness has to offer instead of loathing it!

1. Look forward to Christmas! – Preparation and excitement for Christmas finally begins.

2. The food- Darker evenings definitely means comfort food, homemade soups, roast dinners, jacket potatoes, food that feeds your soul. 

3. Embrace nature’s changes- Stargazing at this time of year is noticeably clearer, the frost in the morning, noticing the small things that can bring you joy.

4.Cosy nights in- If there ever was a time to slow down, it is Christmas time! It is the perfect time to recharge your batteries. Watch your favourite movie, light your candles, enjoy a bubble bath or read a book.

5. Think on- From the 21st December the days get longer by 2 minutes and 7 seconds each day!

What brings you joy in these darker months? I would love to know. 

Love, Georgia x

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