Can we let our lives unfold rather than constantly planning?
Each year around this time, I review our granary spa plans and start brainstorming ideas with the team for the next year. I love planning and being organised, but this year I wonder about a fresh approach. 2020 has taught us to become very adaptable in everything we do, we have had to change our lives whether that be wearing a mask, handling lockdowns or maybe working at home .Being rigid in our lives can lead to disappointment and stress that we don’t need. How often do you worry about a forthcoming event only for it to be changed at the last minute – what a waste of time and energy this can be! As we come to the end of what has been a challenging year for us all, I invite you to become more ‘fluid’ in your approach to daily life and accept and let your days unfold naturally. Lastly, stop trying to control the outcome. Pause and take a breath. And allow yourself to let go and just be……..