Why do we just keep pushing ourselves?
I missed writing to you last week. I was moving house, so it was wonderful to return to work for peace and tranquillity! I wanted to talk this week about how sometimes we just don’t know when to stop. Do you find yourself constantly on the go, working, cleaning, shopping, cooking and so the list goes on. I can honestly say that I find it difficult to stop and relax. I think I leave it to long before I stop an activity and realise I need some self care! The effect of this on me, can quickly turn into burn out. Last week was a prime example moving house. It is one of the most stressful things in our lives (alongside weddings, divorce, death, losing your job) I thought I could do everything in 24 hours! But actually on day seven there was still lots to do. However, when I realised that I needed to stop and recharge the affect was profound. I have to say that having a touch therapy is my top recharger. I think it allows me the time and peace to re- group and become more balanced ready to face the world again. So this week I would invite you “not get to burn out stage” Find indicators on when you think you’re heading that way and just take a break whether that be with us in the spa, a walk in nature, a relaxing bath. Don’t let yourself tip over the edge, it does not help you or anyone around you!. Hope to see you soon Hugs Clare x

Launch of Divine Eyes self heating Mask
Well, this week myself and the team treated ourselves to a Heated eye mask Wow is all I can say–the aroma was so amazing on opening the sachet, followed by the warmth as it heated . I popped mine on while I was in the bath. I didn’t want to take it off! I would highly recommend these to add on to your treatments in the spa—it gives your eyes deep relaxation, and I think helped them not look so tired! Just £5.00 with therapy or to take away.

The unknown world – let’s focus on what we can control !
I know many of you are finding life tough at the moment, maybe listening to the constant bad news, not wanted to look at the BBC News notification that pings on your phone, the weather becoming a little inclement, finding it tough working at home, or looking for work. Life is throwing us many challenges at the moment. I think it we constantly listen to negative news this has a negative effect on us. I know we all need to be aware of what’s going on but I would highly recommend limiting your intake of this. I was surprised by how low the numbers for Covid per 100,000 are in Ashford but this constant living in fear is not good for us. I am speaking from a personal point of view. I am going to try hard to keep focused on what I can control, my exercise, eating well (have cut out sugar again!) and the things that make me feel good. I know the team and me are always here to look after you and if you ever feel you want to chat, please reach out via email or phone.