Happiness or Contentment?
Last week I had a wonderful conversation with Sarah one of our spa family and we discussed the constant aim for us as human beings for “happiness” ironically my son and I had also had a debate about this subject. I started reflecting, when did “needing” happiness start? When we were younger? School? From friends? I don’t think I can recall a time. Throughout our life we all have “moments” of happiness, but they are just moments. So if we continually seek happiness we will be disappointed I believe. Happiness is different for all of us. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? So I explored an unfamiliar word and the effect that had on me “Contentment” even when I say the word it makes me feel balanced, calm and neutral…………… We all have so much to be content about. In the western world we take so much for granted. So let’s look at what we have to be content about. Our homes, food, water, heating are all basic needs but without these I am sure we wouldn’t be very content. So today as I write to you I am very content, knowing I have fingers to type, eyes to see and can hear the washing machine in the background! So as we move forward into another week, lets just be content. Thanks for reading this each week, I am glad to hear that it helps you and it is one highlight of my week that’s for sure.
Hugs Clare xxxx